If your molded candle keeps falling apart when demolding, there could be a few possible reasons and solutions to consider:
1. Insufficient Cooling Time: Ensure that you allow enough time for the candle to fully cool and solidify before attempting to demold it. If the wax is still warm or soft, it may not hold its shape and can easily break apart. Leave the candle in the mold for a longer period, preferably until it reaches room temperature or feels firm to the touch.
2. Wax Temperature: If the wax temperature is too high when pouring it into the mold, it can cause the candle to become brittle or weak, leading to breakage during demolding. Make sure to check and follow the recommended pouring temperature for the specific type of wax you are using.
3. Mold Release Agent: Applying a mold release agent to the mold before pouring the wax can help prevent the candle from sticking to the mold. This allows for easier demolding without causing damage to the candle.
4. Mold Flexibility: Consider using a flexible silicone mold instead of a rigid mold. Silicone molds are more forgiving when it comes to demolding, as they can be gently flexed and peeled away from the candle, reducing the risk of breakage.
5. Demolding Technique: Pay attention to how you demold the candle. Ensure that you demold it gently and slowly, applying even pressure to release the candle from the mold. If you try to force or pull the candle out forcefully, it can cause it to break apart.
6. Cooling and Curing: After demolding, allow the candle to further cool and cure for a few days before burning it. This will help strengthen the structure of the candle and reduce the likelihood of it falling apart during use.
By considering these factors and making necessary adjustments, you should be able to improve the demolding process and prevent your molded candle from falling apart.